Thursday, November 1, 2012

91 Acts of Love Beauty and Kindness Inspired by the Sweetest Woman I Knew

Written 10.29.12 by Jessica Prestler

My Grandmother, June Elizabeth Prestler was undeniably a beautiful woman. I will remember her perfectly curled copper hair accenting her sparkling light blue eyes. There was a jewel encrusted brooch to go with each silken scarf or purple coat. Purple was her signature color, which in turn became my mothers favorite color, and which will undoubtedly become my favorite when I am mature enough to flaunt it.  She was careful to adorn her sweet lips with a precise ruby red 1950’s cupids bow at the top for every occasion. And it was at every occasion that these lips were presenting of her even greater beauty, kindness.  Kindness with every word she spoke and to whomever she would be in contact with. Her simple yet impactful kindness was pure and unconditional in the most relentless and consistent way possible. She was simply kind to everyone, everyday, all the time.

Now I understand that my vantage point is from a grandchild, and it is expected tradition that I only receive the best in love compassion and joy a grandparent can provide. The frustrations of navigating growth and day to day life lessons are generally a luxury shared between parent and child. In my case I feel very fortunate to have known my grandmother for so many years. She is the only grandparent I have ever really known, and losing her brings me momentous emotions of sadness. In my youth I had imagined this sadness; a big empty hole of hurt that would temporarily break me. I would take in every moment with her and quietly archive her aging beauty. Her eyes, smile and hands were of interest to me. I would marvel at the thin delicate skin that wrinkled over each deep blue vein and bones of her hands; prodding, shifting and tracing the overtly visible veins in their complex network of life. We were two peas in a time pod, working at exactly the same pace; ten steps and twenty minutes behind everyone else. I loved that we shared this time challenge in common. During this motion, despite chaos and agendas, she was all mine to take in and love.

My childhood home movies were all directed to my grandmother, throwing kisses, panning the camera for a bit of scenery, spinning around to show her my outfit, and professing my love for her. Our phone conversations similar in fashion. We highlighted the necessary updates from across an ocean and I was greeted with enthusiasm and praise for school performances, proms, graduations, and more recently my engagement. The candy coat of emphasis of each phone conversation was of course love. No call was ever complete without several back and forth expressions of “I love you so much”, “sending you hugs”, and closing with her famous “Goodbye for now. Goodnight and godbless you.”

And although it will take time and support to heal this sadness, there is no big empty hole. I am not broken. My sweet grandmother persists in the love and kindness she let filter through our whole family. It moves like the tides, to and fro between sisters and brothers; Janet, Jerry, Bob, Marilyn, Mary Jo, Denny, and Kathy know and exemplify her love to those they encounter. Their spouses and children receive that love and continue to perpetuate that cycle to their children and so forth. Five generations of kin have come to know her love firsthand, and many more generations will yet be influenced by it. In my grieving process, it seems natural to be inspired by the values my grandmother exuded.  Her goodness was spread throughout an extensive ninety one year life. In a simple tribute to my extraordinary grandmother, I would like to dedicate ninety one acts of love beauty and kindness in her honor. Although I am unclear on how this will manifest, I would like to share this task with family and other loved ones who wish to be included. There are no rules to sharing these values. Acts may be displays of love for those closest to you, gifts of beauty, random kindness to the less fortunate, or any other actions you see fit to honor the life of such a radiant woman.

Grandma, I love you endlessly and will remain inspired by all that you have shown me. Goodbye for now, goodnight and godbless you.

If you would like follow the progress of these ninety one acts or contribute your story of Love Beauty and/or Kindness to this collection for June Prestler, please provide your email information and/or share your story with Jessica Prestler at


  1. I think you might have just become one of my favorite writers. I absolutely love this. (And I absolutely love you.) I think this is beautiful and such a wonderful way to honor your grandmother. I love how she lives through you. I am grateful for the ways she has shaped you into the unique and amazing person that you are.

